Saturday, August 31, 2019

Internet’s Adverse Effects on Teenagers Essay

Adverse Effects of Internet on Teenagers: Introduction: The use of internet has grown tremendously among the teenagers over the last few decades. This has largely been caused by a variety of reasons such as education and the need for entertainment. The internet provides a variety of free information and resources that can either build or destroy the life of a teenager. As a result, many teenagers have ended destroyed morally and psychologically due to excessive use of the internet for the wrong reasons. As a matter of fact, research shows that many teenagers get excessively addicted to the internet from the first time they gain access information in the web (Kraut ; Kiesler, 49-74). The growing and excessive use of the internet among the teenagers has also largely been influenced by the affordability and availability of internet both at school and home. This continued use of internet by the teenagers has tremendously affected the teenagers adversely with time. To be precise, most teenagers who have excessively use internet have continued to have problems academically, socially and even morally. Background Information: Research indicates that in every ten teenagers, nine are regular internet users. According to statistics, 87% of the teenagers in the Western World aged between 12 and 17 are regular users of the internet. 51% of these teenagers visit the internet on regular basis. This actually represents about 21 million teenagers who visit the internet. It has also been found that 81% of the teenage internet users basically use the internet for playing video games. This percentage represents about 17 million teenagers (McKenna ; Green, 9-31). The figures above are a direct indication that there is an overwhelming increase in the number of teenagers accessing the internet over the last few years. This information implies that most teenagers are therefore openly vulnerable to some of the evil practices that go on over the internet. As a result, the society has continued to bring up teenagers who are morally corrupt. Refutation: It is important to note at this point that most teenagers are quickly getting addicted to internet use. Most teenagers get addicted to the internet because of the following reasons: First, most teenagers believe that the internet is the best source of entertainment. There are many internet sites that provide free games of that the teenagers can play. Most teenagers therefore visit these sites and spend quite a lot of time playing those games. The teenagers find fulfillment in these games and therefore dedicate much time to play such games. The addiction to internet games by the teenagers has largely been encouraged by lack of enough co-curriculum activities in the schools in the current society. With the current globalization, most schools tend to focus more on impartation of academic knowledge to the teenagers paying less attention to other extra-curriculum activities that are important for the mental development of the teenagers. This has therefore left the teenagers seeking for alternate sources of entertainment which they easily find over the internet. These teenagers have therefore grown to believe that the internet is the best source of entertainment. This is absolutely wrong since the internet games ideally promote the culture of selfishness because it gives the teenager a chance to find solace and fulfillment in the machine. This makes the teenagers to become selfish even as they grow up. Secondly, most teenagers believe that the internet is the best source of informant for academic research. Whenever the teenagers are given class assignments to do, the first research source they run to is the internet. This is because they believe that the internet provides accurate and ready information that can help them to quickly complete their assignments. As a result, many teenagers have been become so addicted to the internet for academic purposes. However, the teenagers need to understand that taking academic materials and reproducing information from the internet can often to academic frauds like plagiarism. The teenagers therefore need to be careful in conducting their research over the internet due to the crime risks they expose themselves to. As a matter of fact, the teenagers need to seek alternate sources of information such as books, journal articles and newspaper articles in conducting their research. This will help them to get information that they fully trust because it is easy to verify the sources of information from books and journal articles. Lastly, most teenagers believe that the internet is the best form of communication. This is because of the various technologies for communication that are actually provided over the internet. Most teenagers tend to lack cellular phones for communication. This gives them the option of communication technologies such as email and chat sessions in different applications over the internet. Through such technologies the teenagers get a chance to effectively communicate with their friends. This has made them believe that the internet is the best source of information since they can easily share their issues with friends over the internet. This is however wrong and should be discouraged. Proper socialization can only be healthy through physically contacting someone. Electronic communication through the internet reduces the relational skills of the teenagers and therefore makes them vulnerable to becoming irresponsible and selfish adults when they grow up. It is important to have good social skills which can only be enhanced through physical relationship (Lee ; Kuo, 7) Supporting Arguments: Internet use has adverse effects on the teenagers because of the following reasons: Internet expose the teenagers to Internet Crimes against Children. The internet is one of the platforms through which predators tend to find teenagers and grooming them for criminal activities such as the production and distribution of children pornography, stalking and contacting the teenagers for sexual acts engagement and even exploitation through sexual tourism. Most of the criminals tend to look at teenagers as perfect targets for achieving their criminal motives. This is mainly because most teenagers tend to be naive, trusting, adventurers, curious and seeking attention as well as affection. This, therefore, makes the teenager so vulnerable to being victims of such kind of criminal acts over the internet. In addition, the criminal acts could turn the teenagers into criminals too especially when there are monetary benefits attached to it. Secondly, the internet has the ability to corrupt the good morals of the teenagers. The internet provides quite a lot of free information and services that have the capacity of corrupting the good morals of teenagers. Illicit and immoral information such as pornography can easily become objects of admiration of teenagers over the internet. It is important to note that most teenagers tend to be at the peek of adolescence whereby they enjoy all manner of new things and are very curious to adventure into things. Due to peer pressure and pressure from their physical bodies, the teenagers are most likely to get addicted internet pornography. Accessing such illicit and immoral information can therefore corrupt their innocent minds. This information is dangerous because it can easily transform them into criminals such as rapists. Anytime the teenagers access the illicit information over the internet, they tend to develop the desire to practice what they read and watch over the internet. As a result, such kinds of teenagers end up not concentrating in their academic work and so scoring poor grades in school. Some also drop out school as they turn out to be frequent law offenders (Handbook of child psychology, 1-101).

Friday, August 30, 2019

Bereavement: Emotion and Loss Essay

Bereaved children need support within school to deal with the loss of a loved one. This may be by being given opportunity to talk about their feelings or through practical activities. Naturally, each individual deals with bereavement in a different way, some may feel sad or angry, some may feel guilty about the death and others may withdraw and show signs of depression. The age of the child as well as their previous experiences, or lack of, can affect what they understand about death therefore it must be dealt with and prepared for accordingly. For instance, for those who have not dealt with loss before, starting with other kinds of loss is a good way in. With very young children this could be done effectively in circle time, using story, discussion and activities. You can talk about loss such as of toys or personal belongings and later develop this into a discussion about pets which may get lost or die, before finally talking about losing people who move on, move out or die. As a teacher we are more than likely able to empathise with children who are experiencing bereavement as this is probably something we, as adults, have experience. Consequently, it could be difficult to separate our own feelings and thoughts from the situation we are dealing with in order to console a child and reassure them that things will get better. It is important then to consider your own emotional response to the death and loss and reflect upon you feelings and how you deal with these situations in order to stop this from inhibiting your ability to help children in this situation. The parent/carer’s view and what they would like their child to understand about death is also important to consider as a teacher and it is important to make sure that you act on their wishes so that the message that you deliver reflects these views. However, whilst this is important, I also feel it is part of a teacher’s duty to help families understand the importance of children being appropriately involved in what is happening rather than being excluded and sheltered and how this can affect them in a negative way later in life also. Furthermore, this raises the importance of working and communicating effectively with parent/carer’s throughout these situations to find out behaviours the child is exhibiting when dealing with the loss and then develop a plan to help the child through this period. Most importantly, as a teacher, it is vital that a secure and closed environment which allows everyone to talk about the kinds of feelings that loss and bereavement bring is developed within the classroom and an appropriate level of confidentiality and trust is maintained.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Administrative Law

This problem is a straight forward problem in judicial review and prerogative remedies. Judicial review can be done through Prerogative orders. Judicial review refers to the Court’s review of a lower or administrative body’s factual or legal findings[1]. Prerogative remedies are remedies which if not always are designed from the first for the control of governmental duties and powers, have long been used for the purpose especially[2]. These remedies are such as certiorari, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto and habeas corpus. Appropriate remedies which Cristiano Ronaldo may seek in an action before the High Court and the reasons for seeking of each of the remedies are; Certiorari, this is an order issued by the High Court to an inferior court or any authority exercising judicial functions to investigate and decide the legality and the validity of the orders passed by it. Ronaldo can apply for a remedy of certiorari following the reasons that the administrative body acted in excess of its powers of which is one of the suitable condition for the issuance of this remedy. The reason with which this order can be issued is due to the fact that the administrative body had exercised its powers in excess. In the case of R vs. Electricity commissioners,[3] it stated the conditions suitable for the application of the writ of certiorari in that when a body of persons having a legal authority to determine questions affecting the rights of subjects and having the duty to act judicially, acts in excess of their legal authority, they are subject to the controlling jurisdiction of the King’s Bench Division. Ronaldo can also base on the ground that there was a failure on the part of the Director of Trade to exercise his discretionary power. The conditions vested upon this ground, is that the same discretionary powers must be exercised by the person to whom it is vested and within the ambit of the law. For instance, in the case of Keshavan Bhaskaran vs. State of Kerala,[4] the rule provided that no school-leaving certificate would be granted to any person unless he had reached 15 years of age. Under certain deserving circumstances, the Director was empowered to grant exemptions from this rule. But the director further self-imposed his own rule that unless the deficiency in age was less than two years, which was contrary to the provisions of the discretion. The court held that the rule of policy was contrary to the law; hence the decision was quashed by certiorari. Also Ronaldo can advance in his argument the fact that there was a violation of the rules of Natural Justice which are the right to be heard and the rule against bias. He was not given the opportunity to be heard. For example in the case of Simeoni Manyaki v. Institute of Financial Management[5], the court issued certiorari on the reason of failure to observe the rules of natural justice by refusing the applicant the right to be heard. The case of Sinai Mrumbe and Another v. Muhere Chacha[6] provides that the order of Certiorari is issued by the High Court to quash the proceedings and the decision of a subordinate court or tribunal or a public authority where there are no other alternative remedy. In this problem there is no other remedy which has been stated to be availed to Ronaldo. Therefore certiorari can be issued against Mr. Toure. The other remedy is mandamus; this is the prerogative writ for compelling performance of public duties. It is a discretionary prerogative power which the court will grant only in suitable cases and withhold in others. Mandamus commands the authority to perform some legal duty. For Mandamus to be granted the case of John Mwombeki Byombalirwa v. The Regional Commissioner Kagera and Another[7], Mwalusanya, J (as he then was) advanced five conditions for an order of mandamus to be issued they are as follows; the applicant must have demanded performance and the respondent must have refused to perform, the respondent as public officers must have a public duty to perform imposed on them by the statute or any other law but it should not be a duty owed solely to the state but should be a duty owed to the individual citizen. The public duty imposed shou ld be of an imperative nature and not a discretionary one. The applicant must have locus stand that is he must have sufficient interest in the matter he is applying for lastly there should be no other appropriate remedy available to the applicant. In this problem the conditions are present as Ronaldo has demanded the performance for the renewal of license and the Director of Trade refused and he was not been given notice as noted in the case of Palm Beach Inn Ltd and Another v. Commissioner for Tourism and Two Others[8]. Also Mr. Toure was having a duty to perform on him thus to grant license. This duty was not of an imperative nature as the case of considering the application of license and not discretion as per the case of Re Mohamed Aslam Khan[9]. Also Ronaldo has a interest as he is an aggrieved person thus he has a locus standi as per the case of Alfred Lakaru v. Town Director Arusha[10]. Lastly there is no other appropriate remedy as the right to appeal is not indicated in the problem. Reasons in which Ronaldo can base in his application are violation of the rules of natural justice as per the case of Simeoni Manyaki v. Institute of Financial Management[11] Also there was irrelevant consideration as per the case of Fernandez v. Kericho Liquor Licensing Board. Error of jurisdiction as per the case of R v. Minister of Transport[12], failure to exercise discretion and legitimate expectation as per the case of Schmidt v. Secretary of Home Affairs[13] . PART B: Grounds upon which Cristiano Ronaldo would advance in his argument to convince the court to grant him remedies h e seeks are; Violation of the rules of natural justice, remedies can be issued where there is a violation of natural justice. In this problem Cristiano Ronaldo was not given a hearing thus the right to be heard before the renewal of his license was refused by the Director of Trade. The right to be heard is derived from the Latin maxim ‘audi alteram partem’, which simply means hear the other side. Under this the person to be affected by the decision of the administrative body must be given a notice of the case against him so that he can defend himself for example in the case of R v. University of Cambridge[14], the applicant was deprived of his degree on allegations of misconduct but no notice was given to him. The court quashed the decision for the breach of the rules of natural justice. Ronaldo was not given any prior warning by the Local licensing authority Also there is hearing thus the must be given a fair opportunity to present his case and contradict any statement prejudicial to his interests. In this problem Ronaldo was not given a hearing for example in the case of Felix Bushaija and Ot hers v. Institute of Development Management Mzumbe and Others[15]; in this case the students were expelled from the institution without a hearing. They made application for prerogative orders of certiorari, mandamus and prohibition to quash the decision to expel them and affording the students the right to be heard. The remedies ware awarded basing on the ground of violation of the rules of natural justice. Another ground is legitimate expectation; this ground is evoked when an individual was affected by an adverse decision of the administrative body without being heard. In this problem the Director of Trade refuses the renewal of business license to Ronaldo in which he was having expectations that the license was to be renewed as it in other years the respective administrative authority denies to grant the same to that individual, without availing him with a hearing and good reasons. In the case of Schmidt vs. Secretary of Home Affairs,[16] it was held that the rules of natural justice also protect any legitimate expectation of a person of which it would be unfair to deprive him without hearing of what he would have to say. There is failure to exercise jurisdiction as there is dictation or abdication. Acting under dictation happen when an authority acts under the dictation of a superior authority which in fact was not what was intended by the statute. This ground is clear as the Director of Trade, Mr. Koure Toure, was acting from firm instructions of Thiery Henry the influential councilor at the city hall. For example in the case of Cader vs. Commissioner for Mosque,[17] in this case a board was having power to appoint trustee of mosque they consulted the member of Parliament who supplied the list of names including his own name the board later endorse the names supplied by the Member of Parliament. The court held that the decision of the Board was null and void because it was made by an outsider. Also Mr. Koure Toure, the Local licensing Authority have considered irrelevant matters and leaving out relevant matters. The statement that the license is not renewable on the grounds of irresponsible behavior of the applicant and that he does not respect his elders and consequently not being fit to hold a license, is purely a consideration of irrelevant matters which omits the principle that it is only the relevant matters that are to be considered by any administrative body. If the authority takes into account only irrelevant or extraneous considerations, the exercise of that power will be ultra vires and the action termed as bad. For instance, in the case of Hukam Chand vs. Union of India,[18] upon the petitioner’s phone disconnection on the grounds of it being used for illegal trading, the Supreme Court held that it was an extraneous consideration and an arbitrary exercise of power by the authority. Likewise, in the case of Re:Bukoba Gymkhana Club,[19] in this case the court ruled that the refusal for the renewal of the license by the Licensing Authority on the ground that the club was discriminatory by looking in its composition was ultra vires due to irrelevant consideration In addition to that the decision made by the Director of Trade as the Local Licensing Authority was unreasonable and no reasonable authority will make such a decision of refusing the applicant’s renewal of business license on the ground of irresponsible behaviour and that he did not respect his elders. In the case of Kruse vs. Johnson,[20] the local authority passed the by law prohibiting any person from music and singing in any public place or highway within 50 yards of any dwelling house the court nullified the by law on the ground of unreasonableness and therefore ultra vires. Error of jurisdiction, this happens when an inferior court or tribunal acts without jurisdiction or fails to exercise jurisdiction vested in it by law. This is due do the fact that Mr. Thierry Henry assumed jurisdiction and give firm instructions to the Director of Trade not to renew Ronaldo’s license under any circumstance. In the case of R v. Minister of Transport[21], it was held that even though the minister was not empowered to revoke the license he passed an order of revocation of license. The decision was quashed. Convincingly Cristiano Ronaldo should be granted the remedies as prayed for due to the grounds afore mentioned the aim being to keep the Local Licensing Authority within the limits of its jurisdiction. Administrative Law This problem is a straight forward problem in judicial review and prerogative remedies. Judicial review can be done through Prerogative orders. Judicial review refers to the Court’s review of a lower or administrative body’s factual or legal findings[1]. Prerogative remedies are remedies which if not always are designed from the first for the control of governmental duties and powers, have long been used for the purpose especially[2]. These remedies are such as certiorari, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto and habeas corpus. Appropriate remedies which Cristiano Ronaldo may seek in an action before the High Court and the reasons for seeking of each of the remedies are; Certiorari, this is an order issued by the High Court to an inferior court or any authority exercising judicial functions to investigate and decide the legality and the validity of the orders passed by it. Ronaldo can apply for a remedy of certiorari following the reasons that the administrative body acted in excess of its powers of which is one of the suitable condition for the issuance of this remedy. The reason with which this order can be issued is due to the fact that the administrative body had exercised its powers in excess. In the case of R vs. Electricity commissioners,[3] it stated the conditions suitable for the application of the writ of certiorari in that when a body of persons having a legal authority to determine questions affecting the rights of subjects and having the duty to act judicially, acts in excess of their legal authority, they are subject to the controlling jurisdiction of the King’s Bench Division. Ronaldo can also base on the ground that there was a failure on the part of the Director of Trade to exercise his discretionary power. The conditions vested upon this ground, is that the same discretionary powers must be exercised by the person to whom it is vested and within the ambit of the law. For instance, in the case of Keshavan Bhaskaran vs. State of Kerala,[4] the rule provided that no school-leaving certificate would be granted to any person unless he had reached 15 years of age. Under certain deserving circumstances, the Director was empowered to grant exemptions from this rule. But the director further self-imposed his own rule that unless the deficiency in age was less than two years, which was contrary to the provisions of the discretion. The court held that the rule of policy was contrary to the law; hence the decision was quashed by certiorari. Also Ronaldo can advance in his argument the fact that there was a violation of the rules of Natural Justice which are the right to be heard and the rule against bias. He was not given the opportunity to be heard. For example in the case of Simeoni Manyaki v. Institute of Financial Management[5], the court issued certiorari on the reason of failure to observe the rules of natural justice by refusing the applicant the right to be heard. The case of Sinai Mrumbe and Another v. Muhere Chacha[6] provides that the order of Certiorari is issued by the High Court to quash the proceedings and the decision of a subordinate court or tribunal or a public authority where there are no other alternative remedy. In this problem there is no other remedy which has been stated to be availed to Ronaldo. Therefore certiorari can be issued against Mr. Toure. The other remedy is mandamus; this is the prerogative writ for compelling performance of public duties. It is a discretionary prerogative power which the court will grant only in suitable cases and withhold in others. Mandamus commands the authority to perform some legal duty. For Mandamus to be granted the case of John Mwombeki Byombalirwa v. The Regional Commissioner Kagera and Another[7], Mwalusanya, J (as he then was) advanced five conditions for an order of mandamus to be issued they are as follows; the applicant must have demanded performance and the respondent must have refused to perform, the respondent as public officers must have a public duty to perform imposed on them by the statute or any other law but it should not be a duty owed solely to the state but should be a duty owed to the individual citizen. The public duty imposed shou ld be of an imperative nature and not a discretionary one. The applicant must have locus stand that is he must have sufficient interest in the matter he is applying for lastly there should be no other appropriate remedy available to the applicant. In this problem the conditions are present as Ronaldo has demanded the performance for the renewal of license and the Director of Trade refused and he was not been given notice as noted in the case of Palm Beach Inn Ltd and Another v. Commissioner for Tourism and Two Others[8]. Also Mr. Toure was having a duty to perform on him thus to grant license. This duty was not of an imperative nature as the case of considering the application of license and not discretion as per the case of Re Mohamed Aslam Khan[9]. Also Ronaldo has a interest as he is an aggrieved person thus he has a locus standi as per the case of Alfred Lakaru v. Town Director Arusha[10]. Lastly there is no other appropriate remedy as the right to appeal is not indicated in the problem. Reasons in which Ronaldo can base in his application are violation of the rules of natural justice as per the case of Simeoni Manyaki v. Institute of Financial Management[11] Also there was irrelevant consideration as per the case of Fernandez v. Kericho Liquor Licensing Board. Error of jurisdiction as per the case of R v. Minister of Transport[12], failure to exercise discretion and legitimate expectation as per the case of Schmidt v. Secretary of Home Affairs[13] . PART B: Grounds upon which Cristiano Ronaldo would advance in his argument to convince the court to grant him remedies h e seeks are; Violation of the rules of natural justice, remedies can be issued where there is a violation of natural justice. In this problem Cristiano Ronaldo was not given a hearing thus the right to be heard before the renewal of his license was refused by the Director of Trade. The right to be heard is derived from the Latin maxim ‘audi alteram partem’, which simply means hear the other side. Under this the person to be affected by the decision of the administrative body must be given a notice of the case against him so that he can defend himself for example in the case of R v. University of Cambridge[14], the applicant was deprived of his degree on allegations of misconduct but no notice was given to him. The court quashed the decision for the breach of the rules of natural justice. Ronaldo was not given any prior warning by the Local licensing authority Also there is hearing thus the must be given a fair opportunity to present his case and contradict any statement prejudicial to his interests. In this problem Ronaldo was not given a hearing for example in the case of Felix Bushaija and Ot hers v. Institute of Development Management Mzumbe and Others[15]; in this case the students were expelled from the institution without a hearing. They made application for prerogative orders of certiorari, mandamus and prohibition to quash the decision to expel them and affording the students the right to be heard. The remedies ware awarded basing on the ground of violation of the rules of natural justice. Another ground is legitimate expectation; this ground is evoked when an individual was affected by an adverse decision of the administrative body without being heard. In this problem the Director of Trade refuses the renewal of business license to Ronaldo in which he was having expectations that the license was to be renewed as it in other years the respective administrative authority denies to grant the same to that individual, without availing him with a hearing and good reasons. In the case of Schmidt vs. Secretary of Home Affairs,[16] it was held that the rules of natural justice also protect any legitimate expectation of a person of which it would be unfair to deprive him without hearing of what he would have to say. There is failure to exercise jurisdiction as there is dictation or abdication. Acting under dictation happen when an authority acts under the dictation of a superior authority which in fact was not what was intended by the statute. This ground is clear as the Director of Trade, Mr. Koure Toure, was acting from firm instructions of Thiery Henry the influential councilor at the city hall. For example in the case of Cader vs. Commissioner for Mosque,[17] in this case a board was having power to appoint trustee of mosque they consulted the member of Parliament who supplied the list of names including his own name the board later endorse the names supplied by the Member of Parliament. The court held that the decision of the Board was null and void because it was made by an outsider. Also Mr. Koure Toure, the Local licensing Authority have considered irrelevant matters and leaving out relevant matters. The statement that the license is not renewable on the grounds of irresponsible behavior of the applicant and that he does not respect his elders and consequently not being fit to hold a license, is purely a consideration of irrelevant matters which omits the principle that it is only the relevant matters that are to be considered by any administrative body. If the authority takes into account only irrelevant or extraneous considerations, the exercise of that power will be ultra vires and the action termed as bad. For instance, in the case of Hukam Chand vs. Union of India,[18] upon the petitioner’s phone disconnection on the grounds of it being used for illegal trading, the Supreme Court held that it was an extraneous consideration and an arbitrary exercise of power by the authority. Likewise, in the case of Re:Bukoba Gymkhana Club,[19] in this case the court ruled that the refusal for the renewal of the license by the Licensing Authority on the ground that the club was discriminatory by looking in its composition was ultra vires due to irrelevant consideration In addition to that the decision made by the Director of Trade as the Local Licensing Authority was unreasonable and no reasonable authority will make such a decision of refusing the applicant’s renewal of business license on the ground of irresponsible behaviour and that he did not respect his elders. In the case of Kruse vs. Johnson,[20] the local authority passed the by law prohibiting any person from music and singing in any public place or highway within 50 yards of any dwelling house the court nullified the by law on the ground of unreasonableness and therefore ultra vires. Error of jurisdiction, this happens when an inferior court or tribunal acts without jurisdiction or fails to exercise jurisdiction vested in it by law. This is due do the fact that Mr. Thierry Henry assumed jurisdiction and give firm instructions to the Director of Trade not to renew Ronaldo’s license under any circumstance. In the case of R v. Minister of Transport[21], it was held that even though the minister was not empowered to revoke the license he passed an order of revocation of license. The decision was quashed. Convincingly Cristiano Ronaldo should be granted the remedies as prayed for due to the grounds afore mentioned the aim being to keep the Local Licensing Authority within the limits of its jurisdiction.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis of news articles about recent political events in Essay

Rhetorical Analysis of news articles about recent political events in tunisia, egypt, libya, and syria - Essay Example In particular, this paper shall study the use of the metaphor Arab Spring by the news media. This paper is being carried out in order to analyze the term and its application within the news media, including its current understanding in the Arab context. The term Arab Spring was first used by George Packer in his article ‘Dreaming of Democracy,’ published in the New York Times in March, 2003. This term is mostly a western media construct, one which is largely associated with the incidents of uprising and rebellion among various Arab nations. In the article by Packer, the author declares that in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the US launched its War against Terror and labeled various countries in the Arab as primary supporters of terrorism, including countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. These countries were also dominated by dictatorial leaders who were bringing their people significant hardships. Many Arab countries, especially those in the Middle East, according to the Western media, were in conditions ripe for revolution and political change. In other words, a possible Arab spring was already in place. This implied a time where the people could ventilate their goals and push against the tight hold of their governm ents. As such, Arab spring became a term which represented change for Arabs who were suffering under dictatorial regimes. Most of the articles (McCann, Farrell, Kershner, MacIntyre, Fox News, Strauss) declare that countries like Libya, Tunisia, Syria, and Egypt have long been under the influence of dictatorial leaders. Moreover, these leaders have built a reputation of prolonged leadership or dominance in their countries (McCann). They have amassed great wealth at the expense of the people, and as a result, the economic status of their people has generally been unfavorable. These countries have also suffered great poverty; moreover, various issues in human rights abuses have become apparent during the reign of their

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Genetic Health information Critical thinking questions Assignment - 1

Genetic Health information Critical thinking questions - Assignment Example 4). The genetic code found in our DNA, has many potential insights for individual resistances and susceptibilities to diseases. The HGP is quite distinct from other biomedical research because it has been defined by a series of very quantifiable and concrete goals. For example, it has been used to construct physical and genetic maps. These maps have been used as vital research tools and have proved to be invaluable in determining more than 100 genes involved in diseases such as achondroplasia, breast cancer, colon cancer, and Huntington disease. HGP has simplified the human genetic code as well as animals and plants in a four-letter alphabet. These chemical constituents of each DNA molecule are A (adenine), C (cytosine), G (guanine) and T (thymine). The project has been able to explain that there are 23 pairs of chromosomes in each human cell, and each contains millions of these nucleotides. Through the project, it has been proved that there are 3 billion nucleotides. Studies on these chromosomes have been used clinically to explain to expectant mothers if they are going to give birth to a baby boy or girl. HGP has led to improved techniques of genetic screening for various diseases before birth. A genetic library has been created. This library contains genetic information of relatively homogeneous regions in human DNA. Therefore, individuals do not have considerable variability at this locus. If it is found out that a genetic disease is produced from a specific allele or mutation being present, screening can be done to identify who the individuals are. It is now possible to determine the chances that a child might inherit genetic disorders associated with parents by analyzing the parental gamete DNA. This has allowed genetic disorders to be corrected before birth. Research is also being carried on rapid selection and insertion of DNA into human individuals; these may soon lead to reproduction

Edward R. Murrow, Army-McCarthy hearings Research Paper - 1

Edward R. Murrow, Army-McCarthy hearings - Research Paper Example He constantly accused the federal government of being involved with the Communists. This is what initiated the army-McCarthy hearings in the first place. But in the end, his accusations and remarks were decreed as groundless. McCarthy blamed the army and the army blamed him and said that he was stating those remarks to please his senior David Schine and his friend, Roy Cohn (Caute). Many people in the government were intimidated by Senator McCarthy because of his popularity and his gift of gab. Despite his blames and accusations, people listened to him because he was an excellent orator. But it is unfortunate that he used his skills for the wrong purposes. This is why his sudden decline was his own fault, as was later proved by Edward Murrow. Another reason for McCarthy’s growing popularity was his relation with the Kennedy family. He was in their good books and while the Kennedy family was at its prime, McCarthy took unfair advantage of it. Moreover, the Kennedy’s were Catholics and so was McCarthy and this forged a stronger bond between the Kennedys and McCarthy. This is also why McCarthy gained infinite support when it came to targeting the Communist tribes. Many journalists and critics also claim that for McCarthy, being Communist was more of a personal issue and it was his fault that he amalgamated it with his profession(Caute). After these remarks began to surface, the Senate took the matter in its own hands. The Senate set up a committee to find the root of the problem. Normally, McCarthy was the one who governed these meetings but as this time he himself was being charged, Karl Mundt was elected as the leader of the committee. He was also a renowned Republican senator. At first the Senate was a little hesitant to make Mundt the head of committee because McCarthy was a lot stronger opponent and he made a rude opponent, but many members of the committee voted in favor of Mundt.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Computer Methods Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Computer Methods - Math Problem Example S' will be computed by finding T - S, so S' = { (1, 1), (2, 1), (2, 2) } Question 2 1. a) Using the following propositions h: it is humid c: it is cloudy and d: it is raining express the following logical expressions in good English. i) (hc)r ii) (rh)c b) Assuming and S is a set of lectures and the and the predicatesL(x): x is a lecturer and A(x): x is articulate write the following sentences in symbolic form i) Larry is an articulate lecturer. ii) There is a lecturer who is not articulate. iii) Not every lecturer is articulate. What is the relationship between predicates (ii) and (iii) c) Determine the truth table for (pq)(pq) State whether this expression is contingency, a contradiction or a tautology. Solution a) i) (hc)r the atmosphere is humid cloudy and it is not raining ii) (rh)c if atmosphere is raining or humid then atmosphere is cloudy. b) (i) Larry is an articulate lecturer. L(Larry) A(Larry) (ii) There is a lecturer who is not articulate. To solve this we will use the concept of universal quantifiers $(x) Which means that a statement is true for all values of x. Now the statement in symbolic form is: "(x)[L(x) 'A(x)]' Which means that "it is not true that all the lecturers are articulate". So in this sense this predicate describes that "there are some lecturers who are not articulate" (iii) Not every lecturer is articulate. "(x)[L(x) 'A(x)]' The relationship between last two predicates is that these define same thing i.e. "Not every lecturer is articulate" does not ever means that " All the lecturer are not articulate" it could mean...And all the points that are not common in any set are placed in circles where no intersection is occurring. The relationship between last two predicates is that these define same thing i.e. "Not every lecturer is articulate" does not ever means that " All the lecturer are not articulate" it could mean that "There are some lecturers who are not articulate" so we can not use universal quantifiers for this predicate hence it means that "Not every lecture is articulate but there are some that can be articulate" so in this sense of interpretation last two predicates are same.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Marketing plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing plan - Essay Example In the year 2000, there were 26.7 million visitors from different parts of US and 899000 foreign visitors. So the tourism industry has great potential in Arizona. There are a lot of places of tourist attraction in Arizona such as the 22 monuments and national parks (Grand Canyon National Park is the most popular park). There are specifically 14 state parks that are able to attract a million visitors each year. There are many camping sites on both private and public, ranches and farms (majorly in Tucson and Wickenburg). Navaho and Hopi are ideal places for shopping and sight seeing. The Salt River Lake is very ideal for boating while the red rock country of Sedona is unique in its own ways (ArizonaTourism). Because of the high potential of the tourism business, the business that I started a hotel called Tourist’s Paradise in Phoenix in the state of Arizona. Marketing Objectives Tourist’s Paradise has a total of 350 rooms with ten rooms being suites (used majorly by newly wed couples). This hotel started off 5 years ago but still not many people are aware about it as this is reflected in the number of visitations in the past five years. It has all the attractions for a tourist or a vacationer such as a bar, swimming pool, tennis court and gym. The expected profits have not been achieved and hence the marketing plan will be developed to increase visitations by 15%, increase day and night stay by 10 % (because that is where most of our revenues lie) and to have at least 5% repeat customers each year. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Spacious rooms Swimming pool Gymnasium Tennis Court Bar 10 suites Weaknesses Initially when the hotel came into being, proper marketing was not done A lot of people are not aware of this grandiose hotel It is very difficult to reduce prices when the operating costs are so high Threats Phoenix already has a lot of luxurious hotels such as Comfort Inn Phoenix West. Econo Lodge Phoenix Airport and Days Inn Phoenix Metrocenter (Booking ). These are very successful and well established hotels so Tourist’s Paradise faces a lot of competition from these hotels that that can also afford to charge lower prices Phoenix Hotel is our toughest competitor as it has 500 rooms (fully air-conditioned) with baths and patio pools. Its exotic resort-like atmosphere is the biggest attraction for visitors. Similarly The Camelback Inn in Phoenix Arizona is the perfect inn to spend winter vacations at. It has been built in a manner such that the visitors can enjoy the Arizonian clear blue skies and still experience the desert effect in winters (Abey). With such outclass hotels and inns, there is a lot for us to worry about. We have to come up with a feature of hotel to convince customers that our hotel is also special in some way and delivering this claim is the greatest challenge in order to have repeat customers. Opportunities The number of tourists visiting Phoenix is a lot each year. 13 to 15 million people visit Phoenix e ach year (VisitPhoenix). This is a great opportunity that can be capitalized upon With good service provided to customers, there are chances that they might come to our hotel again. Target Markets Demographics: People between the ages of 20-50 are the main target market. However children are more than welcome with their parents. Since we cannot cut down our costs, we cannot charge lower prices. So we are looking for people for an annual income of $20,000 or more. Our

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Social Responsibility of The Athletes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Responsibility of The Athletes - Essay Example They have an influential power that can bring people from different cultures or religious to come up with amazing strategies in the society (Smith, 2013). They can allow the people through their different activities related to the society. They should be confident, honest and supportive. They have to get past to athlete’s association and personal advisers and think about what is best for the people of their nation. Athletes stand a better chance of making the world a better place. This is attributed to the fact that they are public figures and command a great following. The less fortunate people in the society are as much important as the athletes themselves, their coaches as well as their fans. Athletes have the responsibility to fight for social justice. They should be ready to part of their huge salaries for the sake of recognition of the people’s rights and better living condition. Some of the top earners in sports include; Aaron Rodgers, North American who plays football for Green Bay Packers earns 43 million USD per year, Drew Bees, the North American football player for New Orleans Saints earns 40 million USD per year, just to mention but a few (Neto, 2013). These players can give the portion of their salaries to charity or projects and programs aimed at helping the needy. They should be ready to stand by what is right and what they believe even if they are criticized. Athletes can change lives through social responsibility. The reason is that athletics have the power to bring about strong emotions and encourage health, friendship, and respect. They are able to support and inspire people with intellectual disability through sports. Sports help them to improve physical fitness, show courage, and be involved in the sharing of gifts; talents and friendship. The Union of European Football Association’s (UEFA) social responsibility partners see this as an outstanding job.

Friday, August 23, 2019

International Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International Business Strategy - Essay Example Under the stages approach, learning occurs first within the domestic market and then the business seeks opportunities in culturally-similar markets before ultimately expanding into a foreign market and developing the appropriate market entry strategy for this new foreign environment. Virgin Group, founded by Richard Branson, is an excellent example of a conglomerate that has utilised incremental foreign market entry strategies. The Virgin group first gained market experience in the United Kingdom, then selected entry into the United States, a location with similar culture to find market success utilising knowledge gleaned through UK business practices. Today, Virgin Group has built considerable marketing prowess and human capital advantages that allow the company to align strategy with foreign market characteristics. Common practices and metric within a variety of subsidiaries was gained through knowledge management and knowledge transfer that could, in the long-run, be applied to new and innovative business practices aligned with foreign culture and market characteristics. The Uppsala model is a rather common sense business model that strongly reinforces the necessity for knowledge management. Learning occurs through social, technological, organisational and marketing-based conceptions that build competencies, performance, and determine the appropriate market entry strategy required to meet foreign market demands in the pursuit of becoming a global corporation. Wal-Mart is a relevant example lending support to the Uppsala model, as this business determines a variety of unique market entry strategies, including joint ventures and acquisitions, in order to build knowledge about foreign culture preferences before ultimately determining an appropriate strategic policy aligned with foreign market characteristics. For instance, in Canada, consumers are â€Å"socially

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Evolutionism Essay Example for Free

Evolutionism Essay Essay Critically discuss the Nineteenth Century theory of Evolutionism in relation to the social development of cultures. special development of cultures. Anthropology originated in the late 18th and 19th centuries. Missionaries, traders and travellers in Africa, North America, the pacific and elsewhere provided the first great anthropological works. Anthropology is the holistic study of the biological, social and cultural aspects of mankind, paying particular attention to the relationships between our physical and cultural natures and between culture and the nvironment. Anthropology is basically the study of the human species and its immediate ancestors. Early thinkers such as Hume, Smith and Montesquieu wrote about primitive institutions which they argued about amongst themselves. Their conclusions were not based on any scientific that could be tested but from principles found in their own culture. They laid the foundations for modern social anthropology believing that universal laws found in nature could be applied to human society. The thinkers were concerned with social evolution and progress. The term evolution was opularized during the 19th century by Herbert Spencer to mean cultural evolution. Evolutionists were those who believed that the cultures and life forms being studied are evolving toa particular form. Evolutionism is the idea that this universe is the result of random cosmic accidents, life arose spontaneously through chemical processes and all life forms are related and share a common ancestor. Evolution is a process of formation, growth and development from generation to generation. Socio- cultural evolutionism describes how cultures and societies have changed over time. In the nineteenth century Edward B. Tylor maintained that culture evolved from simple to complex and all societies passed through three basic stages of development which was originally suggested by Montesquieu. The three stages are called the lines of human progress which states that man evolved from savagery to barbarism and finally to civilization. Man became civilized after discovering pottery. To account for cultural variation different societies were at different stages of evolution. Simpler people of the day had not yet reached higher stages. Some ocieties were more evolve than others. Evolutionists believed Western Europe had evolved from a backward society to a more advanced society. Simpler contemporary societies were thought to resemble ancient societies. More advanced societies exhibited traces of earlier customs that survived in present day cultures, this was known as survival. Pottery is an example of survival, earlier people made their cooking pots out of clay, today pots are most often made with metal because they are most durable but dishes are preferred to be made out of clay. Tylor correlates the hree levels of social evolution to types of religion: savages practicing animatism, barbarians practicing polytheism, and civilized man practicing monotheism. Tylor includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society, Tylor believed that because of the basic similarities common to all peoples, different societies often find the same solutions to the same problems independently. Tylor also noted that different cultural traits may spread from one society to another by a simple means of diffusion hich means the borrowing by one culture of a trait belonging to another as the result of contact between the two societies. Lewis H. Morgan was one of the most influential evolutionary theorists of the nineteenth century. In his book Ancient Society, he divided the lines of human progress into the three stages and further divided savagery and barbarism into upper, middle and lower segments. Each stage was distinguished by technological development and connected in patterns of subsistence, marriage, family, and political organization. Middle savagery was arked by the acquisition of a fish diet and the discovery of fire, upper savagery by the bow and arrow, lower barbarism by pottery, middle barbarism by animal domestication and irrigated agriculture, upper barbarism by the manufacture of iron, and civilization by the alphabet. Morgan believed family units became smaller and self contained as society became more developed. Johann J. Bachofen developed a theory of evolution of kinship systems which was agreed upon by Morgan. Morgan believed in the theory of primitive promiscuity, which means that human society had o sexual prohibitions and no real family structure. Primitive promiscuity can be divided into matriliny where descent was traced through the female only, patrilinV where descent was traces through the male only and polyandry were several husbands shred one wife. Morgan believed that family units became progressively smaller and more self-contained as human society developed. However, his postulated sequence for the evolution of the family is not supported by the enormous amount of ethnographic data that has been collected since his time. For xample, no recent society that Morgan would call savage indulges in group marriage or allows brother-sister mating. Modern social anthropologists regard these reconstructions as over amplifications of events that can never be known in detail. The efforts of early writers were only historical enquiries. At this stage it became clear that there was no evidence which could detail the earliest stages of society and few societies developed in total isolation of other human cultures or outside influence. The evolutionists became unpopular by the nd of the nineteenth century. The school of Diffusionists became popular, they brelieved tahat cultural change and progress were mainly due to borrowing because items of culture were mainly transmitted from one society to another. Despite the errors of the nineteenth century scholars, modern social anthropology owes much to their efforts because of their interest in the social institutions of different societies and the methods used to draw conclusions. The current anthropological view concentrates mainly on the institutionalized aspects (kinship, marriage and religion) of culture taking into ccount systems of belief, values and ideas. Modern anthropology relys mainly on fieldwork which is the gathering of data which organizes, describes, analyzea and interprets to build and present that account which may be in the form of a book, article or film. The latest investigations regarding early humans is that mankind civilization through the slow gain of knowledge. Reference: * Introduction to anthropology 101 (course book 2010) * Culture vs civilization http://www. edward]ayne. com/culture/fallacy. html http://www. as. ua. edu/ant/Faculty/murphy/436/evol. htm * Wikipedia

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Future of the Great Italian Food Company Essay Example for Free

The Future of the Great Italian Food Company Essay Problem Statement Six members of the of the Great Italian Food Company’s Board of Directors have ideas for the future growth of the company. Each of the members proposed idea has its merits, but their ideas are mutually exclusive and only one strategy can be chosen. This could be a potential issue and delay the company’s future growth if the board members cannot come to an agreement. Without a unified strategy, corporate or business, to guide the company over the next decade the Great Italian Food Company will make costly mistakes and jeopardize the company’s current position and future growth. Hard decisions must be made and appropriate planning will have to be conducted. Analysis and Evaluation Joe Marconi, the founder and current Board Chairman of the Great Italian Food Company, established the first Papa Joe’s restaurant in 1960. Since that time the company has expanded to include three additional Papa Joe’s restaurants in the Greater St. Louis area and established a Board of Directors. The members of the board include Joe’s wife along with their four children; Little Joe, Johnny, Tony, and Maria. Additionally, three of Joe’s longtime personal friends are also members of the board of directors. The restaurants themselves are family establishments with a unique Italian atmosphere and a basic Italian menu. Over the years the company has been fairly successful under the management of Joe’s oldest son, Little Joe, with the expansion to three additional Papa Joe’s restaurants. However Joe’s children now believe that the current business model will not remain profitable enough to maintain their current lifestyles, which they have grown accustomed to and want to grow the company even further. Each of Joe’s children and Jimmy (one of the other board members), including Joe himself, have ideas about the future growth of the company. However, they all seem to want to move in a different direction. Joe wants to open an upscale restaurant and partner with a well-known personality allowing the  restaurant to charge more for its meals. Little Joe wants to maintain the current model and continue to expand in the Greater St. Louis area. Tony wants to break into the frozen food industry. Johnny wants to broaden the company and open additional ethnic type restaurants. Maria believes that the best direction is to continue expanding the business throughout the mid-west focusing on major cities. And Jimmy likes the McDonald’s business model and wants to develop a Papa Joe’s fast food franchise chain across the country. The company has a limited access to capital and can only afford to pursue one strategy. So which is the best future for the Great Italian Food Company? Up to this point the Great Italian Food Company seemed to be fairly successful; they have expanded the company by opening three more restauran ts in the Greater St. Louis area and have established an organizational structure that provides management positions for each of the family members. With all growing businesses, the way ahead is always the question. The motivating factor for any businesses that desires continued growth and that wants capitalize on their current success is to continue to increase profits. Recourses, competition, and management are just some of the factors that must be taken into consideration when a business wants to increase growth and of course there is always risk, how much is a business willing to take. The main issue the Great Italian Food Company is facing is that they have not established a strategic plan that supports their mission, vision, or goals (Bateman Snell, 2013, p. 139). There are six members of the board with six completely different ideas who want to move the company in six different directions. However, none of the required strategic planning has been done to evaluate which of the ideas, if any, is the best for the company’s current situation and future growth (Bateman Snell, 2013, p. 138). Each of their ideas has great potential and point toward numerous possibilities, providing an e xcellent starting point in the development of a strategic plan, but their disagreements could also erupt into conflict among the board members. As the Chairman of the Board, Joe will need to temporarily forget that he is a father, husband, and friend to other board members, and take a purely clinical approach to the issue. When developing the company’s strategic plan, Joe may be forced to make decisions for the betterment of the company. He does have options; he could make the decision alone or engage in a group decision process (Bateman Snell, 2013,  p. 102). Managing a group decision can be a difficult process; however, in this case a group or team process could be the most productive. Each of the board members has specific skills, knowledge, and attributes that could be leveraged to make the best decision. Many companies, both small and large, have failed due to poor strategic planning; as a result they have either failed to keep up with technology and/or their competitors, mismanaged their resources, or relied on poor planning and costly decisions. Without a well thought out strategic plan to guide a company ov er the next five, ten, or even twenty years, growth is not a possibility for its future. Recommendation The board members of the Great Italian Food Company need a corporate or business strategy, depending on which direction the company wants to compete in the market (Bateman Snell, 2013, p. 147). If they want to challenge the larger competitors in the food industry or expand into the frozen food sector they can build a corporate strategy. If they decide to stay with their current model and continue to build more Papa Joe’s restaurants then a business strategy maybe more appropriate. Whatever level and type of strategic planning the Great Italian Food Company focuses on it should be flexible enough to adapt to a changing business environment. The strategy should not be so deliberate that it they are unable to make adjustments to their strategic plan (Mintzberg, Waters, 1985). As with any method of planning or decision making considerations must be taken into account; quantity over quality, current and future recourses, control over the company, competitors, and customer base (B ateman Snell, 2013, p. 14). Without having conducted a complete analysis of the company, it is hard to say which strategy they should choose however, The Great Italian Food Company has been successful in its current model as a family establishment with a unique Italian atmosphere. With limited capital, resources and investors, breaking into a new industry or making radical changes could be extremely risky. However, failure to change or grow while their competitors adapt to the industry could leave the Great Italian Food Company wayside along with Blockbuster and Borders. The Great Italian Food Company is still a considerably small company, continued investment into the further expansion of the Papa Joe’s restaurants throughout the mid-west, building  additional capital and investors, and testing the market with new products could strategic plan that continues growth while limiting risk. References Bateman, T.S., Snell, S.A. (2013). Management: Leading and collaborating in a competitive world. (11th ed.). New York, New York: McGraw-Hill Education. Mintzberg, H., Waters, J. A. (1985). Of Strategies, Deliberate and Emergent. Strategic Management Journal, 6(3), 257-272.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Basement Car Park Design

Basement Car Park Design A basement car park has to be design in this project to meet the property developers requirement. The car park will have 3 below ground level as the figure attached in the appendix (page 2). A site investigation has been completed and supplied as the information in this project. The construction technique for the basement walls has to be identified, then design the basement walls and produce a report justifying the solution. 1.2 Project Aim and Objective This project title is set up for student who is having their third year study in Civil and Structural Engineering. The objective of this project is to reflect the design and construction process of a geotechnical structure that students are likely to encounter in their future industry life. There are several aim have to be achieved in order to meet the objective in this project. Those aims are: To gain the overall thinking in a project construction and understanding those factors influence the development of the project. To gain deeper knowledge in the geotechnical field such as type of retaining structure and soil profiles. To develop the rational thinking and view of the constructability of the project. To identify the engineering problems in a project and minimize it to the minimum. To justify the proposed concepts into engineering fields. To apply engineering thinking into a project and design the structure in accordance. To communicate with the supervisor for seeking appropriate advice and self study to complete the project. 1.3 Project Scope This project had been separated into two main parts which are conceptual design and detailing design. In the conceptual design part, the choices of pile have to be considered wisely and justify it before get into the detailing design part. In this project, there are several type of retaining structure can be used but just the most appropriate one will be chosen to carry out into the detailing design part. There are few factors have to be concerned while selecting the choice of retaining structure. Those factors are the type of soil, durability, constructability, estimated costs and others. By having a good comparison among type of retaining structure, then the most adoptable type of retaining structure will be selected to construct the retaining wall. For the detailing design part, an adequate design calculation has to be produced in order to show that the retaining structure is satisfied with several circumstances and sufficient drawings have to be prepared if needed. The construction sequences have to indentify and list out clearly. Last but not least, a detailed method statement for the safe construction of the building including any supporting risk assessments, and an outline construction programs in the form of a bar have to be provided. 2.0 Background Study and Constraints The background study is the first stage of this entire project and a work must to be done before a project begin to progress on. The main purpose of this stage is to gather information as much as possible and analysis to figure out the restriction of the project. There must be some restriction in every single project that has to be concerned and further rational thinking to manipulate a good design. The discussion of the constraints has to be done in the early part of the project then the better final design will be produced by passing through this process. 2.1 Deep Excavation and Site The site tolerance is limited due to a public highway located just next to the footpath which is 2m away from the site. There must be some disturbance will face by the public highway due to this significant issue. This point has to be considering while choosing the type of retaining structure to be construct and minimizing it to the minimum when the construction is going on. Deep excavation has to be taking part in this entire project, so the hazards of deep excavation either supported or unsupported case has to be indicated and it is a considerable concern while making decision for the type of earth retaining structure. For example, the dewatering problems might be exist base on the water table and the excavation is variable base on different type of soil in the area as well. 2.2 Soil Profiles The soil profiles are the interesting and concerning part for the geotechnical engineering especially the engineering soils found beneath the topsoil [1]. The engineering properties and the behaviour of these soils are their concerning and interesting point [1]. Different type of soil profiles will be having different ability for a structure. Therefore, site investigation process has to carry out to determine the soil profiles. The layer and the type of soil or rock beneath the ground surface will be determined by this process. Its behaviour and the properties of each layer will be obtained as well to progress on. In this project, there are three boreholes given from the site investigation data which named as BH-02, BH-03 and BH-09. The boreholes record is attached at the back of the report which in the appendix part (from page 1 to page 2). The location of BH-02 and BH-03 are shown inside the plan view of the site but there is nothing relevant to BH-09 can be figured out from the view. The plan view is attached in the appendix (page 1). A simple analytic of the height and depth of each layer have done which shown in the Figure 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. C:UsersFuhDesktopZzz_Study thingsCIVE 3709ProjectIMG_0619.JPG Figure 2.1 Borehole Record, BH-02 C:UsersFuhDesktopIMG_0617.JPG Figure 2.2 Borehole Record, BH-03 C:UsersFuhDesktopIMG_0618.JPG Figure 2.3 Borehole Record, BH-09 From the figure of the three boreholes records, it shown that they are about the same. The soil profiles for the top layer is made ground then followed by clay and then mudstone as the bottom layer. Clay is a naturally occurring material composed primarily of fine-grained minerals, which is generally plastic at appropriate water contents and will harden with dried or fired. Although clay usually contains phyllosilicates, it may contain other materials that impart plasticity and harden when dried or fired. Associated phases in clay may include materials that do not impart plasticity and organic matter [14]. In the other hands, mudstone is a fine grained sedimentary rock which is formed by clays or muds with the pressure over long time. It looks like hardened clay but depending on the situation when it was formed. 2.3 Water level Groundwater observation where the water seeps or ingress has to be recorded in the site investigation logs as they link with the casing and the boreholes depth [2]. Groundwater observation is the concern for geotechnical engineering due to the water pressure too. The water pressure is an issue that will affect the decision of the choice of retaining structure and the depth of the pile as well. The water table is not given in this particular project specification therefore proper consideration is needed before making any assumption. The water level is to be assumed one meter below ground level after a long consideration and communication with supervisor. This should be the best assumption and go on for the later part of design. 2.4 Time, Cost and Quality As a designer, the concern of the property developer has to be taking into consideration while designing a project. Time, cost and quality are playing the important roles for a single project which will be the concern of the developer. These three elements are the key issues and related to each other. The cost of the project will be increased if a project construction time getting longer. Base on this, the shorter the construction period the lower the cost of the project so a proper planning of the construction method and procedure is needed to minimize the construction cost but the quality of the project must be still maintain in a satisfy adoptable level. 3.0 Type of Earth Retaining Structure Earth retaining structures are mainly used to support the soil and structure due to the difference in elevation of the ground surface. It can be either propped or cantilever. There is various type of earth retaining structures which are used in geotechnical field for civil engineering. Those retaining structure more commonly used in basement car park and more suitable for this project are: Sheet Pile Walls Diaphragm Walls Bored Pile Walls There is different capable of each type of wall, the typical applications of walls have shown in the figure below. Figure 3.1 Typical applications of embedded walls ([8] pages 98) 3.1 Sheet Pile Walls Sheet pile walls are made of timber or precast concrete previously but nowadays sheet pile walls are more commonly made of steel. Sheet pile walls are formed by individually driven sheet pile into the ground and form the series of interlocking piles to support the soil and the structure [1]. Sheet pile wall can be category into two main types which are cantilever wall and anchored wall. Sheet piles are light to handle and being robust. It can handle the high compressive loads whiles it driven into a hard ground surface [3]. It has the ability of being driven into deep penetration to reach a bearing stratum or to develop a high frictional resistance [3]. There are two method of driving sheet piles into stratum which is: Pitch and Drive This is the simplest method, each sheet pile or pair of piles will be driving into the finished level (full depth) before repeating the next sheet pile. By the way, this method is preferable for loose soils and short piles only. Panel Driving In this method, the first pair of piles has to be pitched carefully, plumbed and driven partly to form adjacent piles. Then, the remaining of piles are pitched and interlocked. Finally, the last pair of piles pitched into the panel are then driven partially and followed by the partial driving of the rest of the panel, working back towards the first pair in the panel [4]. The piles is arranged as whole panel, therefore it is no need to drive all piles fully to maintain the piling operations. The risk of driving problem and difficulties of de-clutching will be minimised too [5]. This method is suitable for dense sands and stiff cohesive soils. Figure 3.2, Sheet Pile Walls There are few issues have to be discuss while considering to be used sheet pile walls for design. Firstly, the deep of the basement has to be constructed. If the depth of the basement too deep which mean the length of the pile will be quite long and the ability of transporting, pitching and driven those piles has to be taken into consideration especially in urban area. Cost will be affected in this issue as well because it is hard to manufacture a big size of sheet piles. Basement car park recently constructed in urban area to fully utilize the space in the cities. While sheet pile walls can be act as a permanent structure or temporary work in a construction project, but there is a concern if the sheet piles act as the temporary work. The ability to remove the sheet piles after constructed the retaining structure has to be think twice base on the limited spaces around the cities for the crane to remove it. Even there is some improvement of the technology on the noise and vibration problems for sheet piles while driven it into the stratum but vibration and noise are still exit which is the disadvantages of sheet piles. The improvement just mainly overcomes the problem on some type of soil layer only, such as by using some hydraulic pressure equipment to press the sheet piles into stiff clay layer. Refer to this entire issue; there must be rational consideration if steel pile has to be used specially in the urban area. 3.2 Diaphragm Walls A diaphragm wall basically is the combination of reinforced concrete wall and sheet pile wall. It has the ability of the combination of reinforced concrete and sheet pile wall. A diaphragm wall are formed and fixed by vertical reinforced concrete slab in position with the same manner to support the soil. In the other hand, the sheet pile held in the lower part of the diaphragm wall by the passive and active soil pressures that act upon it [1]. Most of the diaphragm walls are the reinforced concrete wall that cast in situ by a machine digging a trench in panels of limited length. It acts as temporary support during construction and a permanent wall, sometimes with lining [8]. The stability of the excavation to the required depth is filled by the use of a drilling fluid, usually is bentonite slurry [6]. This slurry has thixotropic properties, as it forms into gel when left undisturbed but becomes a liquid when disturbed [1]. The bentonite slurry initially penetrates into the soil and the virtually impervious skin of bentonite particles is formed [1]. It is only about few millimetres thick on the sides of the trench. There is no penetration of the slurry into clays, sand and silt water. The main purpose of the use of slurry is to prevent collapse of the trench by creates lateral pressures that act on the side of the short trench panel. When the excavation is done, the required steel reinforcement is place into the trench panel. The walls are constructed by filled with concrete in discrete panel lengths ranging typically between 2.5m and 7.0m using purpose in appropriate circumstances. Those displaced slurry being collected for cleaning and further use. Standard widths of diaphragm walling equipment are 600, 800, 1000, 1200 and 1500mm although greater can be provided as required. Depths of the diaphragm wall are constructed up to 50m by using grabs and up to 80m using standard hydromills (milling machines). The remaining intermediate panels are excavated and constructed to fully complete the wall when the concrete has developed sufficient strength. The length of each panel is limited to the amount that the soil will arch, in a horizontal direction, to support the ground until the concrete has been placed [6]. A simplified Figure 3.3 has been attached to shown the various construction stages. In the Figure 3.3, the processes of each stage are: Guide-wall construction Panel excavation in progress Installing stop ends Panel concreting Figure 3.3, the stage of construction a diaphragm walls. Figure 3.4, Diaphragm Walls There still exists another type of diaphragm walls which are precast reinforced concrete diaphragm walls. The use for this type of diaphragm wall is nearly the same with diaphragm wall that reinforced concrete cast in situ. It provides both temporary and permanent soil support but with limited depth. There must be some advantages and disadvantages for every single earth retaining structure. Therefore the discussion of pros and cons for this type of retaining structure has to be done, while considering of using diaphragm walls. The construction time and cost of diaphragm wall is generally efficient where it is used for both permanent and temporary subsoil retention for walls of medium, and greater, depth [8]. Diaphragm walls also allow the effective transfer of vertical load from the building superstructure to subsoil below basement level. The vertical load transfer is not added in the wall design while the early of diaphragm wall in UK. The reluctance of designers to allow such load transfer was due no doubt to lack of published test results. This situation changed gradually when the diaphragm more commonly use in the construction of basement [8]. While constructing the diaphragm walls, it has the minimum noise and vibration disturbance. This is an advantage of using diaphragm walls as a retaining structure. The noise and vibration in diaphragm wall installation are about the same compare with the normal civil engineering equipment, such as cranes and generators. Base on this, it suitable to be constructed in urban area. Diaphragm walls can be constructed under groundwater condition so there is not any affection in groundwater problems for this kind of structure. Diaphragm walls have the advantages of high bearing capacity and good in horizontal or vertical bearing capacity. The allowances of settlement for this kind of structure are small which is good for superstructure [9]. Although there are many advantages of using diaphragm wall but there is some limitations for this structure to be used. It could not be use either in very soft soil such as soft clay due to trench stability problem or very stiff rock. The principal disadvantages of diaphragm walling are the risk of loss or spillage of bentonite slurry, the relatively high cost of cleaning and the disposal of the slurry, the site space needed for large reinforcement cages and the large cranes needed to handle them. Above all, the need for continuity in the construction process from excavation through concreting to removal of temporary stop formers is a disadvantage of the method [8]. A good quality control is needed in the diaphragm wall construction. Diaphragm walls are the new type of retaining structure which is more modern and construct by some modern equipment. Those skilful and more specialist workers needed while installation the walls. 3.3 Bored Pile Walls Bored pile walls are an earth retaining structure that form by bored cast in situ piles either small or large diameter. This technique often used in deep basements and underground structure as a temporary or permanent retaining structure. It commonly used for those structures with limited working space or constraint of adjacent existing structures that prevent excessive bulk excavation and help to control the movement of the ground [6]. The construction method of bored pile walls are slightly different compare to the diaphragm wall, initially a casing has to be driven into the ground by using the vibro-hammer and leaving 1 metre length of the casing above the ground. Casing can be ignored where the soil profiles are firm to stiff cohesive soils [11]. The power-driven rotary auger (a drilling tool) will be used to cut and remove the soil within the casing to form a borehole. The range of diameters and depths possible is considerable, from 300 to over 5000mm and down to 100. The used of the casing is to support the surrounding soil. If the length of the casing not enough long to reach the required depth in the ground, bentonite slurry could be used to support the soil below the casing. The steel reinforcement will be lifted up and placed into the borehole by crane. If the depth of the boreholes too deep, reinforcements have to be over lapping and welding if possible. The concrete is poured into the borehole to form th e bored pile. Finally, the bored pile is formed by using the vibro-hammer to withdrawn the casing [3][10]. A bored pile wall has its own characteristic that have to take into consideration while selecting the type for retaining structure. The presence of the advantages and disadvantages of the bored pile walls have to be taken into consideration if bored pile walls chosen to be used. The length of bored pile walls can be varied to suit the varying ground condition which is more adoptable for most of the design project. Moreover, the soil can be inspected and if necessary sampled or in situ tests made when it is cut and removed from the boreholes. By using this method, the large excavations and subsequent backfill are eliminated. The noise and vibration are existed while constructing the bored pile but it is acceptable and will not disturb the adjacent pile or structure [12]. Basically, the disadvantages of bored pile wall are not much. The transportation of the casing could be one of it. The unable to place the concrete under the ideal condition and cannot subsequently inspected are one of the disadvantages as well. Figure 3.5, the steps of constructing contiguous bored pile walls. Bored pile walls are categorised into two types, which are: Contiguous Bored Pile Walls Secant Bored Pile Walls Several factors have to be concerned while choosing the type of bored pile walls. Those factors are: Soil Type The ground water profile Construction time available Propping requirements Cost Life span 3.3.1 Contiguous Bored Pile Walls A single row or double row of piles pitched and constructed next to each other with leaving some gaps. Alternative piles are cast first and the intermediate piles are then installed. Figure 3.6 and Figure 3.7 are attached for more detail and understanding. For this type of retaining structure, the water will flow through the gaps between piles [1]. This type retaining structure suitable where the soils are between firm to stiff and the water level is below the depth of excavation. This method is the fastest method and most economic option to construct. Figure 3.6, an example for the plan view of contiguous bored pile wall Figure 3.7, contiguous bored pile wall 3.3.2 Secant Bored Pile Walls Secant bored pile walls are similar with the contiguous bored pile wall, except that the gap of the piles are either filled with concrete or secondary pile are cut into the primary piles as shown in Figure 3.8 and Figure 3.9.This technique is suitable for high water level due to the continuous wall had formed and it is a watertight condition that stops the inflow of water. The procedure of this method is slightly more complicated compare to bored pile wall. Figure 3.8, an example of plan view of secant bored pile walls Figure 3.9, Secant bored pile walls 4.0 Comparing and Selecting Of Retaining Structure. By using a simple matrix analysis table as shown in Table 4.1, it can be determined the best selection of retaining structures as in general concept. The selection of the retaining structures can be determined by rational comparisons by applying the weighting into the matrix table. The weighting in the matrix table are represented with numerical numbers from 1 to 3 in which the higher the value, the more beneficial for the route while the lower the value indicates as otherwise. From the table, it shown that each type of the retaining structures is about the same, they have their own characteristic and advantages in different aspects. Secant bored pile walls gained the most point in the weighting but it might not be the best choice because this is just a general concept comparing within the type of retaining structures so a proper comparison that fit with this entire project issues will be done later on. The soil profiles of this project are made ground, firm to stiff clay and mudstone which adoptable for all of the retaining structure mentioned above except sheet pile walls. In this soil conditions, sheet pile walls are not suitable to be driven into the ground due to the hardness of the mudstone layer. This problem can be solved by providing bigger size of sheet pile which significantly increased the cost and waste of materials. Therefore, sheet pile walls are not recommended and if possible choose other type of retaining structure into design. Water level is a problem which will be affected the decision of selecting retaining structures. The water level is to be assumed at 1m below ground level. It is quite high and proper consideration has to be done base on this issue. Diaphragm walls, sheet pile walls and secant pile walls are capable to construct in high water level condition. Contiguous pile walls are not able to construct below ground water condition due to the gaps between the piling which allowed the inflow of the water. This might a concern while selecting this as the retaining structures. Diaphragm walls are a good retaining structure among all of the retaining structure. It allowed the highest depth of excavation which is about 7 to 30m length but 8m of excavation is sufficiently enough in this entire project. In the other hand, the other retaining structures are more adoptable which allowed 4 to 15 or 20m depth of excavation length. This will be an issue while selecting the choice of retaining structures. Basically, there is specific difficulty of constructing each type of retaining structures just in different restriction. There is not much to comment on the ease of construct issue but it must be fit with the site restriction. The durability of each type retaining structure is about the same and it could be ignored while comparing with each other. The cost of construction must be minimizing to the minimum if possible because it is a concern of the project developer and economical problem. Sheet pile walls are rejected in this project due to several concerns. First, the main concern of using sheet pile is the size and area of the pile to be used due to the depth and area of excavation are quite big. It is hard to manufacture such big size of sheet pile in the factory and hard to transport large number of them to the site. If sheet pile chosen into design for basement car park, it will commonly act as temporary work and the ability to withdraw the sheet piles after the construction is an issue because a highway just located 2m away from the boundary of the site. Moreover, the soil profile contains lot of the mudstone which cause the sheet pile hard to be driven into the ground. There will be some vibration which will be affected the public highway either on the foundation or the whole structure while the sheet pile is driven into the ground. Diaphragm walls are good to be used in basement construction which is commonly in urban area. Honestly, it is capable with all the construction constraints in this entire project such as it is able to construct under groundwater condition and there isnà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢t any vibration problem in diaphragm walls construction. Even it is so good compare with other retaining structures but it still will not be selecting as the retaining structure. First, large amount of steel reinforcements needed for a diaphragm walls, it have to be tied up before they lifted up by crane and placed into the panels. Base on the number of materials and skilful workers needed, the cost of the construction will increased directly. It is also relatively high cost of cleaning and the disposal of the slurry. Diaphragm walls are good enough which is a bit over for this project because some of the advantages is not needed in this project. Consequently, diaphragm walls are not suitable for this p roject and some other retaining structure will do because the overall estimated construction cost is too expensive compare with others. Bored pile walls are the most adequate retaining structure to be used in this project compare to the others. Even there are some disadvantages in this type of retaining structure but the advantages of using it are higher after proper consideration and comparing. Then, the vibration and noise of constructing bored pile walls are in the acceptable range and will not affect those structure next to it especially the public highway. Bored pile walls are able to consort with the soil conditions in this project too. It is the cheapest retaining structure as well. Bored pile walls are chosen either secant bored pile wall or contiguous bored pile wall. As a conclusion, secant bored pile wall is chosen as the retaining structure in this project because it offers a watertight alternative compare with contiguous bored pile walls. 4.1 Selected Retaining Structure à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ Secant Bored Pile Walls Secant bored pile walls basically are bored cast in situ piles either small or large diameter. It will be constructed in a line and the gap between piling will be filling with cement or concrete to form a watertight condition for preventing the inflow of water. The filling technique will be mentioned in the later part of report. Secant bored pile walls are categorised into 3 types which are: Hard / Soft Secant Pile Wall Hard / Firm Secant Pile Wall Hard / Hard Secant Pile Wall 4.1.1 Hard / Soft Secant Pile Wall The female pile has a characteristic compressive strength of 10-20 N/mm2, which is retarded to reduce the strength of the mix while the mail piles are drilled between the female piels. 4.1.2 Hard / Firm Secant Pile Wall 4.1.3 Hard / Hard Secant Pile Wall

Microsoft Xbox :: essays research papers

In the console-gaming world people know Sony and Nintendo. Microsoft may be the largest and richest software company in the world, but it’s unknown when it comes to console gaming. Microsoft is counting on the Xbox to change that perception. Gamers may not be willing to take a chance with the Microsoft Xbox, even if it is far superior to any console ever made. Nintendo Gamecube is nothing if charismatic. Nintendo’s new machine is half the size of any other console and looks like a toy with its brightly colored plastic shell and handle. It’s destined to be home of such popular games as Mario, Donkey Kong, Pikachu, and Kirby. Nintendo Gamecube seems mismatched as it goes up against the Microsoft Xbox and the Sony Playstation 2 (a multimedia mayhem that Sony says it’s supposed to be â€Å"The Future Of Entertainment†). All this makes you think; what makes Nintendo believe it can possibly go up against the ultra-sophisticated Xbox. The Microsoft Xbox has powerful components within that overpower any other console, including its CPU or it’s Central Processing Unit. The Xbox runs an Intel Pentium III 733-megahertz (MHz) processor. This is a lot more powerful than Nintendo Gamecube’s IBM Power PC 485-megahertz Gekko chip processor and even lower the Sony Playstation 2’s 128 bit â€Å"Emotion Engine† which is clocked around 294-megahertz. A few more components that make this console far superior to any other is its graphics processor, or GPU, which stands for Graphic Processing Unit. Microsoft had teamed up with Nvidia to create a chip that was made especially for the Xbox. The computer-based company ‘s 250-megahertz chip gives the console an amazing resolution of 1920x1080 pixels and 125 Million Polygons per Second. Sixty four- (64) megabytes (Mb) of DDRam back all this up, for great non-glitch games and smooth running. Nintendo also has a computer-based company teaming up with th em to create the 162-megahertz ATI Flipper GPU Chip. This chip can only handle around 6-12 Million polygons a second and is only backed up by 43-megabytes of DDRam. Another feature that is a first in the console industry is Xbox’s internal 8-Gigabyte (Gb) Hard-Drive or Hard Disk Drive (Hdd). This contributes too much of Xbox’s weight, but gives many features. With this you don’t have a need for a memory card to save your game files, you save them right to the hard-drive. This is a very nice feature on the Xbox, because it saves you money.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Lyme Disease Lyme Arthritis :: Health Medicine

Lyme Disease Lyme Arthritis Lyme disease is a tick-transmitted inflammatory disorder characterized by an early focal skin lesion, and subsequently a growing red area on the skin (erythema chronicum migrans or ECM). The disorder may be followed weeks later by neurological, heart or joint abnormalities. Symptomatology The first symptom of Lyme disease is a skin lesion. Known as erythema chronicum migrans, or ECM, this usually begins as a red discoloration (macule) or as an elevated round spot (papule). The skin lesion usually appears on an extremity or on the trunk, especially the thigh, buttock or the under arm. This spot expands, often with central clearing, to a diameter as large as 50 cm (c. 12 in.). Approximately 25% of patients with Lyme disease report having been bitten at that site by a tiny tick 3 to 32 days before onset of ECM. The lesion may be warm to touch. Soon after onset nearly half the patients develop multiple smaller lesions without hardened centers. ECM generally lasts for a few weeks. Other types of lesions may subsequently appear during resolution. Former skin lesions may reappear faintly, sometimes before recurrent attacks of arthritis. Lesions of the mucous membranes do not occur in Lyme disease. The most common symptoms accompanying ECM, or preceding it by a few days, may include malaise, fatigue, chills, fever, headache and stiff neck. Less commonly, backache, muscle aches (myalgias), nausea, vomiting, sore throat, swollen lymph glands, and an enlarged spleen may also be present. Most symptoms are characteristically intermittent and changing, but malaise and fatigue may linger for weeks. Arthritis is present in about half of the patients with ECM, occurring within weeks to months following onset and lasting as long as 2 years. Early in the illness, migratory inflammation of many joints (polyarthritis) without joint swelling may occur. Later, longer attacks of swelling and pain in several large joints, especially the knees, typically recur for several years. The knees commonly are much more swollen than painful; they are often hot, but rarely red. Baker's cysts (a cyst in the knee) may form and rupture. Those symptoms accompanying ECM, especially malaise, fatigue and low- grade fever, may also precede or accompany recurrent attacks of arthritis. About 10% of patients develop chronic knee involvement (i.e. unremittent for 6 months or longer). Neurological abnormalities may develop in about 15% of patients with

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Fight Club: A Battle Between Humanity and Capitalism Essay -- Palahniu

Within the past few millennia, people have socially evolved away from the aggressive, deep-rooted nature they have been biologically programmed over the past million years to feel (Palahniuk 4). While most have embraced this approach, whether it be through religion or other means, many people, mostly men, feel this suppression is unhealthy and unnatural. Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club, a transgressional piece of fiction, was set in a world of parental abandonment, womanly men, and corrupt political and corporate practices, a dark, nameless city in modern day America (Palahniuk 28). This setting allows for the author to provide a stark comparison over what we have become as a nation compared to what we should be, a nation of self-respecting people with a lack of value on materialistic things, and a push towards Buddhist principles (Reed). Fight Club is about how feminism, commercialism, religion, and politics in modern day America have caused a decline in the masculinity of American, mi ddle-class men and how that has destroyed society as heavily demonstrated by the support group he attends, the fight club he helps start, the terrorist group that sprouts from this, and the Narrator's second personality (Tuss). The story's second chapter starts the flashback that comprises all but the first and last two chapters of the book. In this scene, the Narrator has been suffering from chronic insomnia and is attending a self help group meant for men suffering from testicular cancer, a treatment sarcastically "prescribed" by his doctor in an effort to make him, the Narrator, feel less narcissistic since the physician himself was unwilling to give him the medicine to treat his insomnia. All of the men in this group have become feminine due to ... ... Literary Reference Center. Web. 14 Apr. 2014. Palahniuk, Chuck. Fight Club. New York: W.W. Norton &, 1996. Print. Price, Bryan R. "A Psychological Analysis of Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club." Yahoo Contributor Network. Yahoo, 3 May 2007. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. Price, Bryan R. "A Psychological Analysis of Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club." Yahoo Contributor Network. Yahoo, 3 May 2007. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. Reed, Charley. "Journal of Religion & Film: Fight Club: An Exploration of Buddhism By Charley Reed." Journal of Religion & Film: Fight Club: An Exploration of Buddhism By Charley Reed. University of Nebraska at Omaha, n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2013. Tuss, Alec, SM. "Masculine Identity and Success: A Critical Analysis of Patricia Highsmith’s The Talented Mr. Ripley and Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club." Journal of Men's Studies. University of Dayton, n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2013.